Oct 16, 2024






1. 桑拿房:桑拿房采用先进的设备,通过高温蒸汽使人体毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,排出体内毒素,达到养生保健的效果。

2. 按摩室:专业按摩师为您提供全身按摩,缓解疲劳,舒缓压力,让身心得到充分的放松。

3. SPA:SPA项目包括面部护理、身体护理等,通过专业手法和产品,让您的肌肤焕发青春光彩。

4. 汗蒸房:汗蒸房采用天然矿石加热,产生对人体有益的远红外线,促进新陈代谢,增强免疫力。

5. 遗传养生:结合中医理论,通过拔罐、刮痧等传统养生方法,帮助调理身体,预防疾病。


1. 专业团队:馆内拥有一支专业的服务团队,具备丰富的养生知识和技能,为顾客提供高品质的服务。

2. 环境舒适:桑拿体验馆内部装修豪华,环境优雅,让您在享受服务的同时,也能感受到家的温馨。

3. 设施齐全:馆内设备先进,功能完善,满足顾客多样化的需求。

4. 优惠活动:桑拿体验馆不定期推出优惠活动,让顾客享受到更多实惠。



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Oct 15, 2024





1. 传统桑拿房:采用天然木材建造,高温环境下,人体的毛细血管扩张,促进血液循环,有助于排出体内毒素,增强免疫力。

2. 玉石桑拿房:以玉石为材料,玉石具有强大的远红外线辐射功能,有助于提高人体新陈代谢,缓解疲劳。

3. 盐蒸房:采用天然海盐,通过高温蒸汽作用于人体,具有消炎、杀菌、美白、抗衰老等功效。



1. 接待:热情周到的接待员为消费者提供详细的桑拿知识讲解,帮助消费者选择适合自己的桑拿项目。

2. 引导:专业的引导员为消费者提供全程引导,确保消费者在桑拿过程中安全、舒适。

3. 服务:贴心的服务人员为消费者提供茶水、毛巾等用品,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。

4. 售后:完善的售后服务让消费者无后顾之忧,如有任何问题,均可随时联系服务人员解决。



1. 水疗:通过水压、水温、水柱等多种方式,对身体进行全方位的放松和调理。

2. 美容养颜:结合桑拿和美容产品,为消费者提供一站式美容养颜服务。

3. 健身塑形:在桑拿过程中,结合有氧运动,帮助消费者达到健身塑形的目的。



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Oct 14, 2024





1. 房价稳步上涨:长沙房价近年来持续上涨,但涨幅相对稳定,使得投资者和购房者都愿意在此投资。

2. 供应充足:长沙房地产市场供应充足,各类住宅、商业地产、办公地产等品种丰富,满足不同消费者的需求。

3. 城市配套完善:长沙市政府加大对基础设施建设的投入,使得城市配套日益完善,吸引了大量外地人来此定居。



1. 种类多样:长沙桑拿场所种类繁多,包括传统桑拿、汗蒸、水疗、按摩等,满足不同消费者的需求。

2. 环境舒适:长沙桑拿场所装修豪华,环境优雅,让消费者在享受服务的同时,感受到家的温馨。

3. 专业服务:长沙桑拿场所拥有一支专业的服务团队,为消费者提供一对一的个性化服务,确保消费者在享受桑拿的同时,得到充分的放松。



1. 房地产带动桑拿场所发展:随着长沙房产市场的繁荣,大量人口涌入长沙,为桑拿场所提供了广阔的市场空间。

2. 桑拿场所提升房产价值:优质的桑拿场所可以为周边房产带来增值,吸引更多消费者购买。


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Oct 13, 2024







1. 露天温泉:在蓝天白云下,泡在温暖的温泉中,感受大自然的恩赐,让身心得到彻底的放松。

2. 室内温泉:四季如春的室内温泉,让您在舒适的环境中享受温泉的滋养。

3. 水疗中心:专业的技师为您提供全方位的水疗服务,让您在轻松愉悦的氛围中恢复活力。

4. 健身房:现代化的健身设备,让您在泡温泉的同时,也能保持良好的身体状态。

5. 棋牌室:与好友相约,在这里畅谈人生,享受休闲娱乐的时光。






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Oct 12, 2024




1. 独特主题:长沙剧本杀桑拿体验活动以“探秘”为主题,结合长沙本土文化,打造出独具特色的剧本杀场景。

2. 沉浸式体验:活动现场设置多个场景,玩家需要穿越时空,体验不同角色的生活,感受剧本杀的无限魅力。

3. 高端设施:活动场地采用高端桑拿设备,让玩家在紧张刺激的游戏过程中,享受舒适的休闲时光。

4. 专业团队:活动由专业剧本杀团队策划,剧本内容丰富,情节跌宕起伏,保证玩家玩得尽兴。


1. 报名参加:关注长沙剧本杀桑拿体验活动官方公众号,了解活动详情,报名参加。

2. 领取剧本:报名成功后,工作人员将为每位玩家发放剧本,并讲解游戏规则。

3. 沉浸式体验:玩家根据剧本内容,扮演不同角色,进入游戏场景,展开紧张刺激的推理过程。

4. 解谜互动:玩家在游戏中不断解谜,与其他玩家互动,共同寻找真相。

5. 互动表演:活动现场设有互动表演环节,让玩家在游戏中感受更多欢乐。

6. 总结颁奖:游戏结束后,工作人员将公布真相,为获胜玩家颁发奖品。


1. 丰富玩家生活:剧本杀桑拿体验活动为玩家提供了一个全新的娱乐方式,让生活更加丰富多彩。

2. 提升社交能力:活动中的互动环节,有助于玩家结识新朋友,提升社交能力。

3. 培养逻辑思维:剧本杀游戏考验玩家的逻辑思维能力,有助于提升玩家的综合素质。

4. 传承本土文化:长沙剧本杀桑拿体验活动以本土文化为背景,让玩家在游戏中感受长沙的独特魅力。


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Oct 11, 2024

标题:《长沙喜来登 桑拿中心——休闲养生新地标》









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Oct 10, 2024







1. 简便快捷:街头桑拿体验点通常面积不大,设备简单,消费者可以快速体验。

2. 价格亲民:相较于高端桑拿会所,街头桑拿体验点的价格更加亲民,符合大众消费水平。

3. 环境舒适:虽然面积不大,但街头桑拿体验点通常装修温馨,给人一种舒适的感觉。

4. 服务专业:街头桑拿体验点的服务人员都经过专业培训,能够为消费者提供专业的桑拿服务。


1. 传统桑拿:利用高温蒸汽对人体进行养生保健,有助于排除体内湿气,改善血液循环。

2. 花草桑拿:在桑拿房内摆放各种花草,如薰衣草、薄荷等,既能起到舒缓疲劳的作用,又能让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,感受到花草的芬芳。

3. 磁疗桑拿:利用磁疗设备对人体进行按摩,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉疲劳。

4. 红外线桑拿:利用红外线照射人体,提高体温,促进新陈代谢。


1. 适度:桑拿时间不宜过长,以免对身体造成伤害。

2. 饮食:桑拿前后应避免进食,以免影响消化。

3. 穿着:桑拿时应穿着宽松、透气的衣物,以便身体散热。

4. 体质:患有心脏病、高血压等疾病的人士应谨慎体验桑拿。



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Jul 28, 2024

Walking to the bridge, a bonfire was lit, and a group of people were sitting next to it, smoking, and the flames reflected their faces. It was obvious that Russians were different, but they were a little like Mongols. They squatted by two fires one by one, and they silently looked at the people coming towards them.

"Hello, comrades!" Black shadow greeted and said
"It’s okay," a man replied in Russian, looking at the bearer’s face carefully
"Li Fuqing still alive? Is he here? "
"I am," replied the crouching man singing like a baritone, and got up and twisted the cigarette in the heel of his boot. "Why don’t I know you? Who are you? Where did you come from? " He held out Hu Da’s face with sideburns, trying to see the stranger in the military coat and wrinkled infantry cap, and then suddenly exclaimed, "Are you Terry Mickey? God, you’re alive, my dear. Where did the wind bring you? "
Li Fuqing, he held Terry Mickey in one hand and his warm, rough hand, leaned over and whispered to Terry Mickey.
"This is one of their own is not afraid of where you come from? Go ahead, damn it! " Terry Mickey shook hands with Yu China’s soldiers and asked them in a pig iron-like, dull and depressed tone. He replied, "I tried my best to find you from there. I need to talk to you about something, man. I am very happy to see you alive and strong." He smiled with a wide forehead, a gray square face and white teeth, and his eyes flashed gently, calmly and happily.
"Let’s talk about it?" Li Fuqing asked cheerfully in a baritone voice, "So you have found a way? You don’t mind our brothers taking the risk to come here? Ok, thank you, Tremich. Our good brother Bodhisattva bless you. It’s so nice to see you. I thought we stood guard for Lenin’s post together … What an honor it was … "A kind smile shook his voice.
Terry Mickey also kindly joked that
"Come on, Li Fuqing, bro, you also live a very moist life. You won’t die in such a big battle, and you can still play loquacious here. Look at your beard growing to the belly button."
"Hu, we can scrape you off at any time. Tell me where you’ve been in the past two years. How did you get it? I heard that you were arrested by Cheka (Russian revolutionaries Committee)? How can you not die? It is said that no one who has been arrested can come out alive. "
"Let’s talk in the car," said Terry Mickey with a promising look. They walked into the next carriage and Li Fuqing kicked someone’s hometown novel. "Get up, villagers! Let’s get some air outside and have a fire. Let’s fart when we go out. Don’t stink all the carriages. Hey, come on, fellow villagers! Go out and play here and leave it to someone … "
China soldiers groaned and got up. Li Fuqing pulled up a magazine and let Terry Mickey sit in the carriage. It was a little dark. I don’t know who it was. Two big hands and slaps with tobacco and horse sweat stink gently groped in the dark to sit in the magazine. Terry Mickey asked with a thick bass face.
"Is that Terry Mickey?"
"It’s me. Who are you?"
"Guo Laibin, can’t you remember?"
"Oh my god, you are here? Is my China comrade-in-arms here in your department? "
"Yeah, all over China, even the China Paixing Department made it up here. How are you? Brother tremich! "
"Terry Mickey told you that you said you came from there means that there is the east? Li Fuqing asked without waiting.
"Yes, it is the east!" Terry Mickey lowered his voice and said, "Cheka didn’t kill me. I faked my death and then tried my best to go to the Far East. I met the China Defence Force and told the Chinese team about your situation. Now I am entrusted by the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Defence Force to come and look for you …"
"But can we trust you? Who knows if you are a Cheka agent to test us and catch our shortcomings? " Guo Laibin said
"You are to see me captured by Cheka. Can people captured by Cheka have any good games? If you don’t believe me, please look at my chest. There is a scar bullet just passing by my heart. It’s almost gone. "Terry Mickey stripped his clothes. In the dark, someone struck a match and saw a terrible scar mark on Terry Mickey’s chest.
"I think we should trust the Tremich brothers," Li Fuqing said.
"Then take a gamble!" Guo Laibin said
"I think we should ask the leading brothers in each platoon to call in and listen to the news brought by Terry Mickey," Li Fuqing said.
"Very good! ….. You go and take a trip. "
Almost all the leaders of the platoon came outside, and some people in the fire were still guarding several former acquaintances. They walked up to Terry Mickey and put their hands and slaps like hard foreskins in the past. They bent down to look at his gloomy face with lights. Some people called him Terry Mickey, but all people were so kind and full of enthusiasm for welcoming comrades.
The car looked very stuffy, and the lights flashed on the board, and the figure shook and became big and out of shape. The lights were like magic lamps, risking oil and shaking smoke.
Everyone carefully let Terry Mickey sit in front of the bright place, and others squatted in a circle. Li Fuqing coughed in the alto.
"Comrade Mitric came from the east, which is our hometown. Although it is a capitalist society, it is our hometown after all. Although we are bourgeois fighters, we can’t be indifferent to the situation in our hometown. Comrade Tremich, we really want to hear from you personally. I hope you can tell us what to do in the future. We must know that the China Defense Forces have repeatedly defeated the Soviet Red Army, and our position as revolutionary fighters in China has become more and more embarrassing. Comrades are suspicious of us. They are closely guarding us. What can we do?" Li Fuqing still lowered his voice and said that he was afraid of being heard by outsiders and causing unnecessary trouble to China camp
"In my opinion, they have never regarded us as one of their own, never believed us, even though we took our hearts out," said a population with a wrinkled face at the door.
"There are all kinds of coldness and satire. We slander us and say that we are spies from China-it’s very funny. We are from China. What do you say? Don’t believe in China. Don’t believe in China. Who can we trust? They also said that we are the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie has no reason to kill each other. We listened to them, but we can’t believe what they said. We are the real bourgeoisie in Russia. They Russians at least have a home and maybe a wife. There are more or less crops in the home. Those who say the most are wearing high-class clothes, smoking high-class cigarettes and cigars, and Volga wine. It seems that the bourgeoisie is even more capitalist than the capitalists … There is no home here … I don’t want to listen to their nonsense anymore!
"What are you talking about, you idiot?" A man interrupted him angrily. "You-illiterate and generally don’t understand the revolutionary truth. Why did you want to join the revolution in the first place? Do you want to quit halfway?"
"Nonsense, sharp-tongued ghost!"
"The biggest fool!"
"Brothers! I dare say who here knows what fucking revolutionary truth? I don’t want to make a living in the army. Now that we China people have straightened up and the army has come here, do we still have to pretend? " The guy at the door argued that "Lenin told us to keep watch for him at the beginning not because he wanted to buy people’s hearts, but now he is ashamed of himself. He told you to protect him with your life and sweat, not to eat and drink! We were moved to death, and later asked us to help them fight and sacrifice so many brothers because they asked us to watch the door for him? It’s ridiculous. We gave our blood and lives. What did they give? Nothing … Now they suspect that we are China spies. "
There was a silence in the crowd, as if remembering the exciting years and remembering the comrades who lost their lives during this exciting years.
Terry Mickey sat in a bullet box with a smile and looked at these wronged people; He felt it inconvenient to sit and talk, so he got up with his back to the light and said with a slow and reluctant smile
"I just came from the east and I brought you a greeting. Although I am a Russian, I am still ashamed of these people in the Soviet government. These people are nothing but confusing people with slogans, and those political commissars shout the loudest slogans. They are the most shameful people. They talk about the people, but it is becoming more and more difficult for them to occupy state property, women and food, and it is becoming more and more difficult for them to fool around with people’s lives … The Soviet Red Army will continue to fail. Of course, this team is strong and powerful.
Maybe you don’t know that the Chinese team was formerly the French Chinese team, which was composed of Chinese workers who went to France. They United to defeat the British and French Coalition forces and fought all the way from Europe to China, and established the new China state administration.
Brothers, maybe the Chinese team is more cordial with you, because they are also from South China University of Technology and have a deep understanding of your situation. The China Defense Forces asked me to give my regards to you. Come back after your hard work. Your family is waiting for your reunion!
Someone in the crowd sobbed, and Tremich continued, "Go home, brothers. Although I am Russian, I don’t want to watch you suffer here. Your hometown-China is completely different now. Every family has at least dozens of acres of land. The land occupied by former Russia from China in the Far East has now been returned to China. The government wants to take root there and connect every family with a minimum of 50 acres of land. There has never been a government that has been so kind to the people. Is this government or your government going to support a Soviet government that doesn’t believe that you can’t give people a happy life?" to be continued
Chapter 69 Sorrow at parting
Tremich’s words touched a sore spot for these people. Except for a few determined Bolsheviks, most of them were ordinary workers who joined the Red Army. It was because the Red Army freed them from deep wells and gave them a temporary respite. Compared with the Russian army, joining the Red Army was a necessity and a choice, not because they had any revolutionary consciousness.
With the victory of the Chinese team, the speculation of the Soviet Union and Russia became more and more severe, and even the Bolshevik scores gradually shook.
"Brothers, I am a Russian, and I was once a staunch Bolshevik revolutionary, but what did I get in the end? Cheka secretly put me to death! I didn’t even have a chance to defend myself in a military court. I’m a Russian. You are from China. Now the Soviet army is fighting against the Chinese team and the Soviet Red Army is losing ground … You are in a very dangerous situation. Cheka people are suspicious and would rather kill you wrong than let you go. Do you think they will let you go? Maybe I’ll shoot you all at dawn … don’t you think there are a pair of vigilant eyes staring at you around? Are your backs cold? "
"It can’t be? In recent years, the organization still believes in us, "someone said.
"The letter is because you have been on duty for Lenin? Think about it for yourself. In the Tsarist era, you were whipped to go to the Soviet Union to dig mines. It seems that it’s a different story. But they didn’t beat people, whip them or force you, but they finally let you be cannon fodder by deception, but the Bolsheviks were good at fooling people, and you were willing to work for them when you were given a job. But what did you get in the end? Bread? Volga? Fertile land or women, you didn’t get anything, but the political commissar and Cheka got the fact that you gave your life. You are their cheapest labor … "Terry Mickey smiled and wiped his forehead sweat and continued," But I call on you not to continue to work for them. Now you go back to your country. The China government gives you fields, and your horses can live a happy life. What is more important than family reunion in this world? "
"You wait for Mitric!" A stocky man with a figure like Terry Mickey came out from the back row and said that he coughed and rubbed his hands like the roots of an old oak tree washed by water. He looked at Terry Mickey with a smile and asked, "You just said that the China municipal government will give us land … What’s going on? Can’t China do the Bolshevik thing now? Is China also a Bolshevik party? So why did they attack the Soviet Union? Isn’t this one of our own hitting our own people? "
"Yeah, what’s going on? Since all the fields are given to the poor, it’s the same. The proletariat is one of our own. Lenin said that the proletariat should unite …"
"What do you mean, your own people beat your own people?"
"That’s what it means. The Bolsheviks lied about what they said. They didn’t realize it, but China did! What kind of proletariat is bullshit? I wonder who here wants to be the real proletariat without land and houses. What’s the advantage of the proletariat? I don’t wonder why so many people are vying to be the proletariat … Isn’t it bad for us to go back to China to be rich, have wives and children, have cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys, fields and crops? "
"Really? You are not talking nonsense, Mitric? "
"What did I lie to you for?" Terry Mickey ha ha smiled "Soviet army losing hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands of fighters with you an infantry battalion can control the situation? However, the leaders of the * * team see that you are from China, and you are all laborers going abroad just like them. Out of compassion, they asked me to tell you not to lose your life easily. Your parents, daughter-in-law, children, brothers and sisters are waiting for you to go back and reunite. "
A group of people immediately talked at the same time, and even the lookout at the door came up and interjected, "How should we go back? They are all around us. They are watching us. What should we do if they notice us?"
"Yeah, if they find out, they will definitely disarm us."
"In the * * team they can end the war? Maybe it’s now that I lied to everyone to do it for them. "
"Tell us your conscience!"
"We are now bumping into each other in the dark."
"It is dangerous to listen to outsiders. There are many rumors …"
"Yesterday, the political commissar came over and told us that Lenin still believed in us and that we were sorry for Lenin?"
"I heard that the 3rd Infantry Division also had a China battalion. They attacked the Chinese team like the 3rd Infantry Division, and eventually the battalion was wiped out in a foreign country and died in their own hands. This is a tragedy …"
Terry Mickey turned around and watched these people wait for them to calm down. At first, his doubts about the success of his actions disappeared. After mastering the feelings of these Bolsheviks in China, he has firmly realized that he can be finished in this way.
Sneaking back to Europe a week ago, he was called by the Military Intelligence Bureau of China’s Ministry of National Defense. At first, the China people would ask him to do very difficult things, but he didn’t expect to ask him to save the China people who were fooled. However, Terry Mickey was also moved by the China people and was still so concerned about these dissidents. If the Soviet Union didn’t care about these people’s lives.
However, when he worked in the Red Army, he was very friendly with this group of Russians. Now he has come back to these people and they have become one again. He is not enthusiastic about China, but he is very kind to this group of Russians and feels that they are his Russian relatives and comrades.
Here, he wants to say that they not only want to ignite their anger, but also make it burn fiercely, burn their loyalty to the Bolsheviks and their trust in Lenin, and make them feel justified to go with themselves.
To take these Russians out of the Soviet army, he will complete it. He believes that the promise made to him by the Central Intelligence Bureau will be fulfilled!
Then Li Fuqing woke him up from a groggy state with a word; After that, the conversation gave Terry Mickey a chance to regain his vitality and return to normal. Later, even he felt strange. Suddenly, he was full of energy, fluent in words, fast and sharp. He was energetic and tried his best to control his high spirits. At this time, he was able to ask many bitter questions fiercely and forcefully, and he was able to handle the conversation with ease, just like a rider who had tamed a horse that was sweaty and wild

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Jul 27, 2024

At this time, even if it is not Jia Ling, even if it is impossible to be a person, why don’t you beg with this three-dyed knight errant across the street? So Jia Ling’s answer has changed-it’s really not n, but-

"get out!"
When I saw Jia Ling say this word, the corner of my eye twitched across the street.
"Give your face a shameless thing"
"All right, then, you can go and see Xiaobai!"
"By the way, I forgot to tell you that I have a lot of tianmashan, so don’t think about normal games. I hope you don’t go out of the security zone."
Such words fell before Jia Ling’s eyes, and those dream friends fans in Jia Ling live broadcast began to go crazy.
What’s more, I have really opened the treasure cabinet interface to select 175-level square inch mountain accounts. Most of the dream friends fans in Jia Ling live broadcast have poor family conditions, but they can’t bear to see a man when the anchor is bullied like this!
Even if it is a foreign debt, what about it?
Anyway, this number can still be sold after buying it.
This is the time.
Jia Ling came to broadcast live. The door was pushed open.
"Hey you belly not hungry? Do you want to go downstairs and get something to eat? "
Fang wants to put his hands in his pockets and look lazy at Jia Ling and ask.
Where is Jia Ling in the mood to eat at this time?
Because this live broadcast is a small room, Jia Ling is only more than two meters away from Fang Xiang, and I saw Jia Ling with tears in her eyes at a glance.
"What’s the matter?"
The heart seems to be unconsciously twitching. One party wants to walk to Jia Ling in a few steps. Jia Ling didn’t speak, but the party wanted to look at the brain screen in front of Jia Ling.
Looking at Jia Ling’s scene map and showing the battle interface at the moment, Fang Xiang frowned and said in a low voice
"Are you being strong?"
Although there is no comfort in this sentence, it sounds more like an inquiry, but I don’t know what Jia Ling feels that a hot tear can’t stop flowing out of her eyes.
It is also at this time that the fans of Dream Friends in Jia Ling live broadcast heard Fang Xiangyin typing on the public screen.
"Is it the anchor brother?"
"Depend! Anchor little brother, you can come! "
"You don’t know that just now this dead woman was courted by the three-dyed knight errant across the street, and then the dead woman refused. After that, this three-dyed knight errant became angry from embarrassment and opened her own large-sized one. P Now many dream friends are ready to buy a 175-level Du Jie killer."
See the public screen things all want to face is gloomy.
He said to the dream friend in the live broadcast
"I can solve this problem if you don’t buy the dream friends who are going to buy the number."
I can solve this matter.
This sentence comes from Fang Xiang’s mouth. In the live broadcast, the fans of Dream Friends are all slightly stunned and sit in the live broadcast. Jia Ling can’t help but look up at Fang Xiang.
I thought I would explain it to myself, but I didn’t expect Fang to take out his mobile phone and walk to the side to make a conversation at this time.
Do you want to call someone?
Jia Ling couldn’t help pricking up her ears to hear who Fang wanted to talk to, but it was obvious that Fang wanted to have a distance with her, and she couldn’t hear clearly who Fang wanted to talk to and what Fang wanted to say.
At this time in the Fantasy Westward Journey, the role of Xuancai ‘e has been given a strong P by the opposite side, and there is a black and white reincarnation hall in the underworld. Jia Ling often looks at her with a face of indifference
Although the three-dyed knight errant was blacklisted just now, the knight errant Du Jie large Jia Ling was not blacklisted. At this time, the three-dyed knight errant was also a large-sized and added a temporary friend of Jia Ling.
"When I give it to you, consider whether you will agree to my request or choose this game."
Three-dyed knight errant’s large arrogant words fell into Jia Ling’s eyes
Jia Ling was about to send another word "roll" when she felt that she had been slapped on the shoulder.
Party want to have finished this time came to his side.
"I’ll take care of that if you move aside and pick it up."
Move aside and give it to me!
In this case, when it comes to Jia Ling’s ear, Jia Ling’s eyes can’t help but turn red again
She suddenly felt that this weak figure in front of her was so worthy of relying on.
And the body is also unconsciously get out of the way from the live broadcast position. I want to sit in the live broadcast position in Jia Ling without saying anything comforting.
Looking at the three-dyed Chivalrous Man’s large-sized message to Jia Ling, the corners of his mouth outlined a smile, which fell into Jia Ling’s eyes. Jia Ling always felt a little scary.
And party want to this time also has knocked the keyboard.
"I think it’s you who’s really stuck."
Chapter seventy-three Battle Group A team
The three-dyed knight errant didn’t know that the player in front of him who was called "cat cake" Xuan Caie had changed. He couldn’t help but feel a little ridiculous when he looked at the cat cake and sent it to himself.
Tianmashan said this to himself?
In all fairness, although tianmashan didn’t walk sideways, some gang numbers in tianmashan were among the best. In the early years, he was occasionally able to represent the team of Group C of tianmashan in a martial arts altar battle. However, with the iteration of Fantasy Westward Journey, the team of Group C was cancelled, and even Group B was gradually eliminated. Only when it reached the strength of Group A can it really be called a fighter and a battle number.
The large-sized charge of the three-dyed knight errant can also be regarded as a gang number, but to deal with a trumpet with no background, the level of 175 is enough to scare the other side, okay?
At this time, the three-dyed knight-errant was still a dead duck in Jia Ling.
Little did I know that a crisis had approached him.
BBQ is a team in the first division of tianmashan. Generally speaking, they seldom take care of things in their own area. Most of them don’t even have their own numbers when they fight in the martial arts altar all the year round. They all give their numbers to the training team to brush their experience. After all, experience in the war is very important.
At this moment, the five main players in the BBQ team have their own game accounts.
The reason is that the captain of the BBQ team called each of them after receiving a message just now, and then let everyone play the game. Although I don’t know what it was, the captain of the BBQ team took a sip of the origin of the caller.
The thought of calling the captain turned out to be that time.
Everyone in the BBQ team couldn’t help but take a breath.
"Is the captain really that one?"
"Is that one back in the fantasy westward journey?"
I heard my team members ask themselves questions.
The captain of the BBQ team also took a deep breath.
"Specifically, that person didn’t tell me that it was this time that he asked us for help, so we must try our best to help him!"
"After all, my command level would not have reached such a high level without his inspiration."
"And according to that one, offending others is a group C account. According to the current situation, group C has been cancelled, and it is a better gang number to die."
Besides, there is nothing in tianmashan that our BBQ can’t solve.
There was a trace of fierceness in his eyes
"If you dare to mess with that one, then we’ll make that shit gang afraid of this game!"
Anger emanated from the captain of the BBQ team as soon as it happened.
Yes, Fang Xiang helped their BBQ team a lot at the beginning. If Fang Xiang hadn’t pointed out the relegation match in Group A, maybe now their BBQ team would have fallen into the ranks of the team in Group B.
And group B and group A are two completely different concepts.
If BBQ really fell into Group B at the beginning, the players might have been disheartened at that time, and there would be no such thing as BBQ in tianmashan’s first-class team.
All of Fang Xiang BBQ people pay high tribute and are very grateful to Fang Xiang for helping them at the beginning.

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Jul 26, 2024

"There must be two strategies."

Of course, it’s not possible to let ghosts wander around these days. If you escape, it will cause great turmoil. Even the ancient fairy Donghua can’t resist the power of ghosts and ghosts. Aren’t those monks who can’t reach the fairy outside all eaten at will like leeks?
Besides, ghosts are not the most important thing these days.
"With Tsing Yi"
Ji Xiang’s change of mind for the fairy in Donghua, Tsing Yi, also made the change of technique for the blue robe, chanting the mantra of Lei Yin and escaping into the fog.
Lei Yin Road can feel that there are many peeping eyes around, but it seems that there is deep malice around at any time. At the same time, the White God brand is constantly showing up these days.
【 Constant Dance Ghost 】【 Anti-binding Ghost 】【 Zhu Tian Ghost 】
There are three heavenly ghosts closest to them. However, due to the roar of Lei Yin, their actions only stop at Tsing Yi and Lei Yin, which is a means for the ancient Qiang people to control heavenly ghosts.
The deeper you go into the heavens and the earth, the more blurred the scenery becomes, and everything can see the outline at a close distance behind you. This is not the influence of fog, but the heaven and the earth have been changed into their sacrifice ground by the ghosts.
"If you don’t find the stone tablet, you can’t stop worshipping Qing Qiang, but the stone tablet sacrifice should be deliberately made by someone. I have seen a strong heavenly heart full of golden halo in my future vision. He blocked me from peeping into the future, and the demon Tianshi was also the man. His body was filled with awe."
"Confucianism as the strong? Can you ask the Yuan Emperor? Didn’t he say that things here are related to the origin of Taoism? " Donghua Fairy’s face is still pale, and there is no way to quickly restore the essence in this sacrifice field.
"…" Ji Xiang didn’t respond because she had a guess in her heart.
The Yuan emperor said that the ghost said that they were just imaginary things of that evil thing, but the ghost was derived from the Confucian Six Heaven Emperor. Since ghosts and gods are derived, there must be a source.
[thoroughly remould oneself]
"What? What do you mean? "
Ji Xiang immediately Zheng, so when his eyes suddenly projected four words, the activity level of this thing really rose, but this sudden Tathagata four words still made Ji Xiang confused at this time
But a strange feeling grows in my heart
emerge from the womb of
Bone replacement
Taoism means to get rid of the incarnation.
When you are born, your body shines like a window and the sun alludes to dust.
Combined with this situation, I guess in my heart.
"Is the evil thing is not Taoism but Confucianism? Before Taoism became a religion in the early days, a big monk unexpectedly reached a completely new state with the help of this evil thing, and this person was … "
Zhang Daoling?’
After all, the founder of Taoism was Zhang Daoling, the first ancestor of the Tianshi, but before he officially established his religion, there were still ascetics in this world who inherited the Taoist thought of the pre-Qin period and opened the way for practitioners, just as Sakyamuni became a Buddha in his previous life.
There are always similar people who make similar roads, and the three-day technique has also risen from the ancestor Tianshi, and the ghosts have also declined at this time.
Zhuang school Huang Lao Dao school immortal family
"But Godsworn Jade Qing is the unique name of Godsworn Yuan Tianzun. If it is an ancient Confucian thing, Godsworn Jade Qing is involved …"
Ji Xiang kept thinking, and suddenly Donghua fairy sounded.
"You and look here! Everything in heaven and earth here has been plundered by the ghosts and gods. Whether it is a living thing or a dead thing, the essence of mountains, rivers, trees, grass, the sun and the moon, all living things are left with outlines. "
"It’s not that we can’t see clearly, but that there are no people here!"

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